Images URL Base URL where all your images are stored on your server
| http:// |
item_name Description of item. If omitted in Buy Now or Donations, customers can enter an item name at time of purchase.
• Optional for Buy Now or Donations
• Required for Shopping Cart |
item_number Passthrough variable for you to track purchases or donations, passed back to you at payment completion. |
amount The price or amount of the purchase, not including shipping, handling, or tax. If omitted in Buy Now or Donations, customers can enter an amount at time of purchase.
• Optional for Buy Now or Donations
• Required for Shopping Cart |
on0 First option field name. If omitted, no variable is passed back to you. The os0 variable contains the corresponding value for the label specified in this variable. For example, if on0 is "size" then os0 could be "large". |
os0 Option selected by the buyer from the first set of option values. If this option is selected through a text box or radio button, each value should be no more than 64 characters. If this value is entered by the customer in a text field, there is a 200 character limit. If omitted, no variable is passed back to you.
Note: on0 must also be defined. For example, it could be "size". |
Number of items. If profile-based shipping rates are configured with a basis of quantity, the sum of quantity values is used to calculate the shipping charges for the transaction.
PayPal appends a sequence number to uniquely identify the item in the PayPal Shopping Cart (e.g., quantity1, quantity2).
Note: The value for quantity must be a positive integer. Null, zero, or negative numbers are not allowed. |
business Email address for your PayPal account. |
The cost of shipping this item, if you enabled the override of automatic shipping calculations per transaction through your Account Profile. If shipping is used and shipping2 is not defined, this flat amount is charged regardless of the quantity of items purchased.
Note: If you use this variable, you do not need to set up shipping rates in your Account Profile. However, shipping rates you set up in your Profile take priority over values specified with this variable, unless you select the Override shipping methods per transaction checkboxes in the shipping methods you defined; the checkboxes are deselected by default. For more information, see Overriding Shipping Calculations on Individual Transactions.
Default: if profile-based shipping rates are configured, buyers are charged an amount according to the shipping methods they choose. |
shipping2 The cost of shipping each additional item. If omitted, and Profile-based shipping rates are configured, buyers are charged an amount according to the shipping methods they choose. |
handling Handling charges. This is not quantity-specific. The same handling cost is charged regardless of the number of items on the order.
Default: no handling charges are included. |
tax Transaction-based tax override variable. Set this to a flat tax amount to apply to the transaction regardless of the buyer's location. This value overrides any tax settings set in your Profile. Default: Profile tax settings (if any) apply. |
cancel_return A URL to which the customer's browser is returned if payment is canceled; for example, a URL on your website that displays a "Payment Canceled" page.
Default: Browser is directed to the PayPal website. |
cbt Sets the text for the Continue button on the PayPal Payment Complete page.
Note: The return variable must also be set. |
cn Label above the note field. This value is not saved and does not appear in any of your notifications. If omitted, no variable is passed back to you. |
cpp_header_image Sets the image at the top left of the payment page. The image's maximum size is 750 pixels wide by 90 pixels high, and it must be URL-encoded. PayPal recommends that you provide an image that is stored only on a secure server (https). |
cpp_headerback_color Sets the background color for the header of the payment page.
Valid value is case-insensitive six-character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII. |
cpp_headerborder_color Sets the border color around the header of the payment page.
The border is a two-pixel perimeter around the header space, which has a maximum size of 750 pixels wide by 90 pixels high. Valid value is case-insensitive six-character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII. |
cpp_payflow_color Sets the background color for the payment page below the header. Valid value is case-insensitive six-character HTML hexadecimal color code in ASCII.
Note: Background colors that conflict with PayPal's error messages are not allowed; in these cases, the default color is white. |
cs Sets the background color of your payment pages.
Default or 0 = background color is white.
1 = background color is black. |
image_url The URL of the 150x50-pixel image displayed as your logo in the upper left corner of PayPal's pages. Must be URL-encoded.
Default: your business name (if you have a Business account) or your email address (if you have Premier account). |
no_note Prompt customer to include a note with payment.
Default or 0: customer is prompted to include a note.
1: customer is not prompted to include a note. |
return The URL to which the customer's browser is returned after completing the payment; for example, a URL on your site that displays a "Thank you for your payment" page.
Default: customer is taken to the PayPal website. |
rm Return method GET or POST: the FORM METHOD used to send data to the URL specified by the return variable after payment completion.
Note: The rm variable takes effect only if the return variable is also set.
Default or 0: GET method is used for all Shopping Cart transactions.
1: GET. The customer's browser is redirected to the return URL by the GET method, and no transaction variables are sent.
2: POST. The customer's browser is redirected to the return URL by the POST method, and all transaction variables are also posted. |
Description for Cart |
Product Graphic for Cart
164 pixels wide by 190 pixels |
Buy Now Graphic There is a bug here. Don't include the "http://". It will be added for you. Who knows what's wrong.115 pixels wide by 46 pixels |